God’s plan for marriage is perfect!

I am not trying to be an expert. I have only been happily married for 18 years. Read with an open heart. God has a perfect plan for your marriage. Many people are quick to celebrate anomalies as normal. Human experiences do not determine the plan and purpose of God. God’s word should determine our experiences. We should stay with the TRUTH even when the facts and realities of life are contrary to the word of God. God’s word is truth.

We hear people say things like “marriage is an institution that singles are trying to get into but those in it are seeking to get out”. This might be happening but it is not the plan of God. Thank God, some people are not trying to get out of their marriages. God’s plan is for every marriage to be satisfying and fulfilling. Don’t buy a lie, don’t settle for mediocrity. You don’t have to keep on enduring, you can truly enjoy your marriage. God didn’t design marriage to be difficult!

Many people are looking for humanistic principles, strategies and self-help techniques to help them in their marriage instead of submitting to the word of God. Quick fixes don’t always work. Many so-called experts have failed in the very thing they profess to have answers for.  As humans, we do not have all the answers. We should only embrace principles that are based on the word of God and encourage people to submit to the instructions and guidelines of the holy scriptures.

We should never stray from the foundation. God is the initiator of the marriage institution. Every solution we seek outside of His word and wisdom is an aberration. As married people, we need to depend on the grace of God as we humbly yield to the Holy Spirit. Husbands and wives must submit to the word of God.

As we submit to God’s word, our marriages will begin to manifest the beauty and the fulfilment that God has ordained. 

God’s grace is sufficient for you. 

Lekan Wellington Adegunwa